Homita - 晚安曲|不如今晚讓美夢放低心中嘅沉重


曲 Music  |  by  |  6 years ago   


時間飛逝,Chester Bennington過身亦兩個月有餘。今日唔知點解又翻出佢嘅歌想再來聽下,除左滿滿的回憶之外,有一首今年3月嘅新歌突然擊中我嘅心。如同歌詞中反复唱出嘅嗰句:『Why ‘s everything so heavy.』工作、搵錢、家用、男朋友、朋友關係、同事關係,係咁沉重地壓上肩,剪不斷,理還亂。 So 不如今晚跟住 Linkin Park 嗌出呢首歌,同埋嗰啲肩膊上沉重得透唔到氣嘅壓力。

heavy linkin park的圖片搜尋結果


作詞:Justin Tranter, Julia Michaels, Brad Delson, Chester Bennington & Mike Shinoda
作曲:Justin Tranter, Julia Michaels, Brad Delson, Chester Bennington & Mike Shinoda

I don’t like my mind right now
Stacking up problems that are so unnecessary
Wish that I could slow things down
I wanna let go but there’s comfort in the panic
And I drive myself crazy
Thinking everything’s about me
Yeah I drive myself crazy
Cause I can’t escape the gravity

I’m holding on
Why is everything so heavy
Holding on
So much more than I can carry
I keep dragging around what’s bringing me down
If I just let go, I’d be set free
Holding on
Why is everything so heavy

You say that I’m paranoid
But I’m pretty sure the world is out to get me
It’s not like I make the choice
To let my mind stay so fucking messy
I know I’m not the center of the universe
But you keep spinning round me just the same
I know I’m not the center of the universe
But you keep spinning round me just the same

I’m holding on
Why is everything so heavy
Holding on
So much more than I can carry
I keep dragging around what’s bringing me down
If I just let go, I’d be set free
Holding on
Why is everything so heavy

I know I’m not the center of the universe
But you keep spinning round me just the same
I know I’m not the center of the universe
But you keep spinning round me just the same
And I drive myself crazy
Thinking everything’s about me

I’m holding on
Why is everything so heavy
Holding on
So much more than I can carry
I keep dragging around what’s bringing me down
If I just let go, I’d be set free
Holding on
Why is everything so heavy
Why is everything so heavy
Why is everything so heavy

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